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Op-Ed: Responsible Journalism and the Air Crash Du Jour
As a 20-year veteran of the A320 cockpit for a major U.S. airline, including the last 15 in the Captain’s seat, I have cringed at the utter misrepresentation of aviation facts often disseminated by news outlets and their self-proclaimed “aviation experts” endlessly paraded across the TV screen during coverage of the latest air disaster. Coverage of the tragic crash of Germanwings 9525 has been no exception. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
For the most part, Eris is right, but, like it or not, these experts are people needing to make a living by telling what they can. I actually have to applaud CNN on this go around as they have been a little more accurate and reserved, and in some cases the experts have actually shut down the talking heads moderating that segment that have tried to interject their know nothing in the mix.
When we had a news cycle of only a couple hours a day there wasn't time for lots of speculation. With news now a 24/7 business of course they are going to fill time with anything they can. Simple solution to hearing all this is to not tune in. You can call it irresponsible reporting but somebody is watching or it wouldn't exist. News cycle is really no longer journalism in the purest sense. It's entertainment journalism.
It's about getting somebody to look in order to show their advertisers they're getting their money's worth.
Well Said
With respect to Mr. Auxier, I feel he misses an important point. The media to which he refers is called 'NEWS' as a label rather than a description. Their goals are not to inform in within the framework of 'news as a public trust', but self aggrandizement and attracting advertizing dollars.
Those "experts" need to slow down, take a few pills, and wake up to the fact that there are "real" families and relatives to the passengers and crew thar deserve RESPECT.
Let the "real" experts on aviation take care of the investigation!!! And remember that sometimes..SILENCE.... is a gift.