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Unruly 13-Year-Old Passenger Duct Taped To Seat After Throwing Temper Tantrum
A 13-year-old boy traveling on an American Airlines flight to Los Angeles was duct taped to a seat after throwing a temper tantrum. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
That's going to be a hefty bill with mandatory fines set by the FAA and courts.. Duck tap has been a staple of onboard emergency supplies, but many need to add more rolls.
Once he was secured and moved to an aisle seat there is no reason to divert.Let him spend four hours contemplating his fate. The lawyers and pseudo-shrinks will have the usual canned diagnosis excusing his conduct so the only losers will be the other passengers and American.
This didnt happen when air travel was far more expensive and wasn't taken for granted. Now you see daily "The People Of Wal-mart" flying everyday!
This started with the pandemic idiots. In this case, the child seems to have developmental disabilities (HINT - even rich SNOBS get those)and the parents should have never brought him on the flight.
Damn shame when duct tape needs to become a stocked security item on commercial passenger jets now. What's this two in a month?
Seems that the parent(s) should have been aware of his outbursts or condition and made a decision to not take him aboard an aircraft. What in the heck is the matter with these people? If it is that stressful, they shouldn't have subjected him to the confines of a cabin. AND.... they obviously didn't give a damn about inconveniencing all the other passengers. Policy should be that once the subject is suitably restrained continue the flight to the original destination. Put the perp between volunteers who will ensure that he doesn't endanger anyone else.
Little fucker!