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French Air Traffic Controllers Protest Against Anti-Protest Laws Passed by French Parliament
Flights departing from airports across France were canceled on November 20 as air traffic controllers conducted a one-day strike. The strikes happened after the French Parliament passed a bill to restrict air traffic controllers' ability to go on strike on November 15. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The French were born to revolt.
As is the U.S. We've had 200 labor strikes since 2010.
I don't know the particulars of what the ATCers are striking over but instead of passing bills banning their protests, perhaps the government should address their concerns. A piece of paper isn't going to keep people from walking out.
This strike caused a rolling delay with our Air France flight from Lyon, France to Paris CDG on Nov. 20. What started as a 30 minute delayed departure turned into a 2 hour wait on the tarmac as air traffic controllers in Paris punished our flight for failing to depart within 30 minutes of schedule. I believed we were allowed to depart after 2 hours only because more than half of the passengers on the plane would miss their connection at CDG.
Ok. Passengers should go on strike then. Maybe that will get some results
I was a controller in the 1981 ATC strike but stayed on the job. My first vacation after the strike was to Europe where my return to the U.S. was delayed by -- a French ATC strike.