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Lockheed Martin hints at existence of aircraft faster than SR-71 Blackbird

The SR-71 Blackbird strategic reconnaissance aircraft, famous for its top speed of Mach 3, was touted as the "fastest acknowledged crewed air-breathing jet aircraft" in a subsequent tweet by Lockheed Martin, with an emphasis on acknowledged. As you may recall from the movie, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell flies the Darkstar test jet at hypersonic speeds beyond Mach 10 before making a forced landing. ( More...

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Joe Keifer 21
I smell skunks at work!
1mooneymite 17
It seems improbable that the SR-71 would be retired if there was not an operational replacement for the mission.
Michael Stansfield 11
Color me "not surprised". It's LM, there is no reason to think they have not been working on a replacement for the SR-71.
sparkie624 10
Nice... If anyone can do it.. they can... I look forward to seeing what they come up with.
jeff slack 0
Loads of reliable/credible videos on Youtube.
Mike Jarman 9
I remember when the SR71 was retired. Was a disappointment. As an Air Force radar ops guy I used to watch it zoom across my screen. That is one fast toy.
Peter Connor 4
Compared to most posters on this site I am ignorant. But, I am a U. S. citizen who happens to have a relatively high interest in flight and the business of aviation. To read that Lockheed-Martin is working on a replacement to the SR-71 is good news. It is also worrisome that I now know about that possibility.
Donald L Gilbert Jr 4
I met a gentleman about 15 years ago that worked on the SR-71. He was there for the final trips and the California to Washington DC flight. Shortly thereafter he was TOLD that HE was being retired. I asked if it was true that the AURORA project replaced the SR-71 and if it was real? He took out a picture and said, "You mean this? Yeah, it's real."
Now, I am not sure how Darkstar fits into this... as he said Aurora was the name of the aircraft.
For what it's worth, that's all I know. He had some really neat stories about the SR-71.
Bror Monberg 4
A vehicle of this description probably exists. Question is if it's manned. In SoCal there were significant sonic booms over the region each Thursday AM in the early '90's attributed to military testing. These sonic booms were WHOPPERS, not usual impulse. Everyone sensed something significant was going on at Edwards AFB.
Richard Lussier 3
Some cool numbers: At +65,000 feet MSL, the speed of sound is about 300 meters/second. If fuel capacity is not limiting for this exercise, traveling at hypersonic speeds (usually considered Mach 5 or above) at that altitude you would cover about 15 football fields per second. You would cover the air distance of Boston to San Francisco in about 48 minutes. Half that time at the max speed in Top Gun: Maverick (before the flight was cut short). Pretty cool.
Leander Williams 3
Probably would already be in production if Kelly Johnson were still around. He would probably be designing hypersonic interceptors.
N710VE 2
Per a source who was involved with an advanced stealth aircraft in the Nevada desert in the late eighties, we had an aircraft that would “shed” metal as it flew at… Mach 30. Not a typo… Mach 30. The metal was tantalum. My Air Force time was also spent in the Nevada desert however my time well preceded his so I knew nothing of this “aircraft”.
N710VE 3
Per a source who was involved with an advanced stealth aircraft in the Nevada desert in the late eighties, we (U.S.) had an aircraft that would “shed” metal as it flew at… Mach 30. Not a typo… Mach 30. The metal was tantalum. Seems it was almost common to find heat distressed pieces, less than 2” long, laying on the ground. My Air Force time was also spent in the Nevada desert however my time well preceded his so I knew nothing of this “aircraft” firsthand. Just thought I’d share.
Mike InPA 1
bbabis 2
When everybody thinks that the military is purchasing $100 hammers and the like, that is just what the public accounting shows. In reality, they procure items much cheaper than we do and the balance subsidizes DARPA and "other projects" that must be kept secret.
Sanmit Basu 1
of course - it's what mav was flying the last top gun movie... 😂😂
Laurence Klem 1
Darkstar made a forced "landing"? You mean Mav ejcted as the aircraft broke up, come to think of it how do you do that at Mach10?
Trevor Hughes 1
Forced landing?! Did you watch the movie?
Craig Good 1
This web site has an interesting definition of "forced landing".
Jim DeTour 1
You know with the Russian running long range hypersonic missiles you know they have pilotable crafts being toyed with. Why waste the surprise in Ukraine while the US and Europe would be funner for them.
websanity 0

mimana -7
I'm more inclined to believe the US Airforce (military subcontractors such as Lockheed, etc.) have products that have evolved from unknown non-human vessels recovered in 1947 and from technology initially researched, discovered and presented by Nicola Tesla. I believe there are aircraft with incredible maneuvering capabilities and speed. I also believe there is technology to control to certain degree weather and major earth events such as earthquakes and hurricanes.
Shawn Jipp 7
No otherworldly technology used in SR-71 or in our semiconductor chips (I was an engineer in semiconductor industry for 29 years.) IF UAPs/UFOs are sentient controlled,they are too smart to just crash and be disassembled! Besides it would be like someone in the dark ages finding a transistor radio on the ground. How could they even back engineer it?
David Rice 6
Thanks for sharing “your beliefs”. Most of us live in the world of the Scientific Method. Read about that topic and then post something based on actual verifiable science, then the rest of us will be impressed. No disrespect intended.


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