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United Airlines settles fraud case over Postal Service contract for $49M
United Airlines is paying criminal and civil penalties for falsifying information for work done flying mail for the USPS. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
A good friend of mine says that a company willing to defraud employees Billions in pensions probably thinks defrauding the Post Office and paying a 49 Million dollar fine is chump change.......
This disappointing news highlights the level of decline in the moral and ethical character of American businesses. What happened to the idea of simply abiding by the terms and conditions of a bilateral agreement (i.e. simply doing what you agreed to do)?
I want to believe this generation of corporate America has a percentage of individuals with enough character and personal integrity to speak up against obvious wrongdoing. If a person doesn't stand for something they'll fall for anything.
Has America's business and graduate schools stopped teach standard business integrity, morals and ethics? There is a universal ethical standard of behavior that facilities orderliness in the daily operation of business specifically and society in general.
I want to believe this generation of corporate America has a percentage of individuals with enough character and personal integrity to speak up against obvious wrongdoing. If a person doesn't stand for something they'll fall for anything.
Has America's business and graduate schools stopped teach standard business integrity, morals and ethics? There is a universal ethical standard of behavior that facilities orderliness in the daily operation of business specifically and society in general.
Corporate corruption mirrors governmental corruption.
Springsteen walked on his DUI after Jeep complained they would lose millions they had invested in commercials of The Boss driving their crappy vehicle.
Springsteen walked on his DUI after Jeep complained they would lose millions they had invested in commercials of The Boss driving their crappy vehicle.
So they are both corrupt. Next.
I left business school in the last year because I could no longer accept the lack of ethics taught in the program. The one and only course that touched on the subject matter had less than two pages of ethics in its textbook. So... No. They don't teach ethics any more.
I agree however running an airline means working with slim margins and (apparently) that leads to the need to perform such illegal acts. Absolutely not saying it is right however it may explain why. Are executive bonuses tied to performance? You bet, perhaps another contributor to such illegal acts. Corporate crime = slap on the wrist.
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