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Air Canada Under Fire as Disabled Passenger Forced to Drag Himself off Aircraft
Air Canada has announced its plan to make significant changes to its operations following several high-profile incidents involving disabled passengers. Four people with disabilities revealed their poor experiences flying with Air Canada this year. These incidents involved the airline not accommodating disabled passengers who required extra assistance. In one case, the passenger was forced to drag himself to the front of the aircraft before being able to use a wheelchair. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
i avail myself of wheel chair services, and on delta and southwest there is consistent good service with wheelchairs ready for me when i depart the aircraft. Air Canada ought to look at Southwest and Delta for the right way to do this service, and remove any employee incapable of rendering this kind service to those of us who require it. The wheelchairs are in sufficient numbers at both ends of most flights, far too space consuming to carry on board. Good will can make this work better. Pay attention Air Canada....
I like Delta as well but make no mind it totally depends on the airport, the time, and the country you fly to. I have too many horror stories to count!!
A totally unacceptable bunch of baloney for any business, bu especially a major carrier!
Agreed and that is exactly why the media has its teeth in this. My hope is that AC simply does not get away with "riding this out". They were called to report to the Canadian gov't for what that is worth.
They're owned by the Canadian Government who couldn't care less unless it buys votes for the dictator.
Air Canada was privatized in 1989, the shares are publicly traded. As of April 2021, Canadian Government owns all of 6.4% of the shares (per Wikipedia).
[This poster has been suspended.]