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Germanwings Intentionally Crashed? Cockpit Door Locked Out One Pilot
The New York Times is reporting the cockpit voice recorder indicates one pilot refused to allow the other back into the cockpit as he crashed the plane intentionally. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
A probable hare-brained idea: in a situation like this the pilot kept outised the cockpit agains his will will be allowed to send a message to the airline HQ which in turn will reléase the locking mechanism open.
Hello Onstar ....
The technology is there but we can regulate something to death. Couple of things here: Who is going to pay for it and #2. Most of us did not find out until the 214 crash that there was a different standard for Airlines coming in here. I think that if they fly into our airspace, they should adhere to our standards under part 121. Seem to me they are under part 192, but not sure on that number, but some of the standards are different.
Also, any technology might be used in an unintended way to down an aircraft, as the bullet-proof doors now show.
I think there is a communication system that allows flight attendants to do this. I seem to recall that on 9/11, flight attendants were communicating with their airlines as to what was taking place on at least one of the flights.
If they can do this for your car when you lock the keys out, I would imagine it would be possible to do it with an airliner.
If they can do this for your car when you lock the keys out, I would imagine it would be possible to do it with an airliner.
It is probably doable but not in place. The communication on 9 1 1, I think, was by cell or sat phone
cell phones don't work above 2000 msl.
On 9 11, they weren't much above that and were still over NYC. They didn't have a problem. I'm a thinkin' that there was only 1 that did and she was on the AA, and I think Todd called his wife over in PA on flight 97 but it was low too.