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Race in Chicago: United Airlines to Prioritize Diversifying Pilots
United Airlines is on a mission to put more people of color and women in the cockpit of an airplane. NBC 5’s Christian Farr reports ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Well, put. After reading the article, but before reading your comment, I was going to fire off a similar post. Having spent 28-years in the Military I have witnessed this way too often. I can't imagine what my fellow CO are doing in today's military given a certain requirement to "employee" those who can't figure out their gender.
Women have already been getting chosen for hiring way before men for at least two decades now.
FedEx did this a while ago. Ended up with a pilot named Auburn Calloway, you might remember him.
Agree, Getting the Plots seat because of Race and not vs merits of skill is dangerous.... Kind of like a 5000 flight hour 172 captain carrying mail to tenbucktwo gets the job because he is purple and not a more common color... UGH.
United Airlines has made the "do not use/do not watch list", along with the NFL, NBA and MLB, for a lot of paying customers. When I fly, I want the best pilots and we all deserve the best pilots, not someone there on a quota system. United and Delta are leading the way to the bottom on how to compromise safety just for a little face time on the news.
It is only a matter of time before United begins virtual signalling by insisting on hiring other identifiable "minorities". Transgenders and gays are under representative in cockpits so undoubtedly will need to have a hiring quota too.