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Boeing 717-200 — - Cockpit of Boeing 717-200
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Boeing 717-200 —


Cockpit of Boeing 717-200


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Joan WilliamsPhoto Uploader
Who keeps one starring my pics? They can’t be that bad.
C.W. Reed
Someone is simply jealous, Joan! I gave it a 5 star to compensate!:) Keep up the great work! Hoosier Cheers!:-)

Joan WilliamsPhoto Uploader
Thank You!
I appreciate it.
I just try my best but someone 1 starred all of my best photos. I have some more good photos but I’m like why post it if someone is going to 1 star them. That’s how I feel.
Viv Pike
In order to vote (or "star") a photo, the user needs to click and view the photo first.
This adds to your overall view number, which in many an opinion, is better (or more important) then the average star count.
Don't fret too much over the few insecure people who one-star your pics. Stars don't indicate the dedication or quality.

Joan WilliamsPhoto Uploader
Although the views do count,
the stars say that people viewed the photo and liked it because not too many people are going to want to view a photo they don’t like. Thank you for the comment.
This is a great shot of what at the end of the day is a classic Douglas (DC9) cockpit. Just look at where the park brake is located...Well done Joan and keep up the great work!
Joan WilliamsPhoto Uploader
Chris, thank you! I don’t have much to say, I appreciate it.


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