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Boeing C-135FR Stratotanker (62-3540)
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Boeing C-135FR Stratotanker (62-3540)



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David Rivers
The correct a/c type is KC-135R.
Colin Seftel
@David, according to the ICAO K35R is the correct designation for this aircraft.
Keith Brown
@Colin Seftel That's the type for an ICAO flight plan, not the actual military designation. You and David Rivers are both correct either way.
James Simms
Pillow fight over aircraft designations. That’s on the same level as ‘Doug’ P-ing, B-ing, & Moaning on the number of times the same aircraft is shown. Bunch of OCD types that need to ‘Lighten Up Francis’.

Just sit back & enjoy the aircraft, your Blood Pressure will be much lower. Geeeezz……….
Ron Wroblewski
Well @James, getting the aircraft is correct is sorta important on an AVIATION website. Do you live your life where people can just tell you the wrong thing all the time and you accept it? Didn't think so.
fmj bld
Nice shot ! I've flown the French version called C135FR.
Where was this taken?
Diana Rose
Regardless....this is a very cool image.

According to the owner, US Air Force, the correct designation is KC-135R.
George General
IYKYK. If you don't, what difference does it make? Still a great photo of a great aircraft. I've flown about 3500 hours in those beautiful birds.
62-3540 için 1998 yılına kadar geri giden tam geçmiş araması ister misiniz? Hemen satın al. Bir saat içinde gelsin.
Tarih Uçak Kalkış Yeri Varış Yeri Kalkış Varış Süre
No Recent History Data
Kayıtlı kullanıcılar (kayıtlı üye olmak ücretsiz ve kolaydır!) 3 months süreyle geçmişi görüntüleyebilir. Üye ol


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