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North American Trojan (VH-KAN) - I apologise, I know its an North American T28 Trojan, but FlightAware has defaulted it to a Piper Cherokee.
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North American Trojan (VH-KAN)


I apologise, I know its an North American T28 Trojan, but FlightAware has defaulted it to a Piper Cherokee.


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Larry Toler
That's a heavily modified Piper Cherokee.
Harry Ellett
LOL! Yes it is!!! How about a North American T28 Trojan?
Rick Polley
Be nice to fly at a Piper Cherokee hire rate!
Alan Hume
"But Sir, I thought we were going to learn on a Piper Cherokee?"
"Not today son! Yahoooo!"
Caleb HotzPhoto Uploader
Sorry Guys, FlightAware has defaulted to a Piper Cherokee, I tried changing it before submitting photo but it keeps returning to that.
Nice. By whatever name.
David Mursch
In latter '60s, AF had 50 or so Trojans at Keesler AFB for foreign pilot training. One afternoon as many were in the local pattern doing their training. Two F-84 Thunderstreaks flew over the base at low altitude. Consternation! Turned out they were from SC Air Guard and were supposedly lost, trying to orient themselves by the runway directions. They claimed they never saw another aircraft as they flew by. But a lot of people sure saw them. It was dodge city for a few minutes. Some say instructing is a boring job.
David Mursch... those S.C. Air National Guard F-84 Thunderstreaks were truly "lost"... if they had made it as far south as Keesler AFB in Biloxi, MS, while trying to figure out where on earth they were at!!! :-)
My grandmother was a civilian employee at Keesler AFB in Biloxi, and I can remember standing in her back yard watching the T28 trainers making their takeoffs and landing approaches. The orange nose and tail are still vivid memories for me even at 67 today.
Regarding below David Mursch comment, a kitchen-mate at Mather OQ housing circa 1984 would of imitated his recollection of some 747-200 Pan Am drivers floating in from the Orient bound for LAX, having found themselves responding to ATC requesting their location, that they were "unable", but, were "Radar Vector Able."
Capt. Bruce Campbell - My mother's oldest sister worked at Keesler during the WWII years as a civilian employee.
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