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Boeing Globemaster III — - Vapor cone from engine during reverse thrust
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png orta / geniş / tam

Boeing Globemaster III —


Vapor cone from engine during reverse thrust


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Amazing photo. Great job. 2nd lob, tornado chaser, LOL!
Joe Cavallo
nice vortex!, got a similar one with the thrusters reversed also @ KMIA...
Jesse Carroll
When you gotta go pee, you go!
Mark Thomas
Awesome shot! Gary, this is what I'm talking about!
Gary Schenauer
Mark T. ... I can state with 100% confidence that I will never be fortunate enough to get an awesome capture of anything like this. I've been clicking a/c for 50 years and I've never even personally SEEN an engine v-cone like this; I KNOW beyond any doubt that I'll never, ever snap one. This is fantastic!
Bill ... Super exceptional catch!! *****+.
And here we have a wild c 17 relieving himself after a long flight

Great photo
Angelo Calleja
Great timing, good photo
In The Twin Cities this would have caused 14 tornado sirens to go off and radio announcements telling everyone to run screaming to their basements.


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