4 Aldığı Oy (5.00 Ortalama) ve 203 Görüntülenme  

Canadair Challenger (N144MH) - N144MH is a 1993 Bombardier Challenger 600 seen here departing Atlanta's PDK executive airport. I shot this on a beautiful Spring day with the flowering trees in bloom. I thought the sharpness of this photo was fantastic. This photo was shot with a Canon 200-400mm F4 lens at the focal length of 243mm. Camera settings were 1/2000 shutter, F5.6, ISO 200. Please check out my other aviation photography. Votes and positive comments are greatly appreciated. Inquiries about prints or licensing of this photo can be sent to Info@Flews.com
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Canadair Challenger (N144MH)


N144MH is a 1993 Bombardier Challenger 600 seen here departing Atlanta's PDK executive airport. I shot this on a beautiful Spring day with the flowering trees in bloom. I thought the sharpness of this photo was fantastic. This photo was shot with a Canon 200-400mm F4 lens at the focal length of 243mm. Camera settings were 1/2000 shutter, F5.6, ISO 200. Please check out my other aviation photography. Votes and positive comments are greatly appreciated. Inquiries about prints or licensing of this photo can be sent to [email protected]


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