5 Aldığı Oy (3.80 Ortalama) ve 1.494 Görüntülenme  

— — - The registration on this goes back to a Convair 550. Which this isn't. THe windows and tail don't match an early Piper. So what do we have here?
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png orta / geniş / tam

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The registration on this goes back to a Convair 550. Which this isn't. THe windows and tail don't match an early Piper. So what do we have here?


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It's an Aeronca 15AC Sedan with some mods like a spring steel gear. .
aleutianmanPhoto Uploader
Thank You Mr. Gevay.
Bill Bailey
It's listed on another site as the Chena 1, C/N 001, a 4 seater currently deregistered, but formerly owned by one Alfred F. Wright of Fairbanks.
Bill Bailey
Say Aleutianman, did you get a shot of the Red/White Widgeon on the right edge of this photo ?
I'm not aware of a McKinnon Widgeon based in the PAFA area.
Bill Bailey (aka Mr. Widgeon)
Between Anchorage and Fairbanks, you can just about find anything.


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