13 Aldığı Oy (5.00 Ortalama) ve 5.580 Görüntülenme  

Lockheed P-3 Orion — - Naval Air Station Dallas Love Field? Was quite the treat to see the resident unmarked US Navy P-3 (callsign "Navy Tango Xray 121") depart while a US Navy P-8 loaded up for departure in the background. This "non-existent" P-3 Orion is thought to be testing equipment for a major defense contractor. It has a Littoral Surveillance Radar System (LSRS) attached to the bottom of it's fuselage. The aircraft itself has no serial or identifying markings other than the US Navy logo.
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Lockheed P-3 Orion —


Naval Air Station Dallas Love Field? Was quite the treat to see the resident unmarked US Navy P-3 (callsign "Navy Tango Xray 121") depart while a US Navy P-8 loaded up for departure in the background. This "non-existent" P-3 Orion is thought to be testing equipment for a major defense contractor. It has a Littoral Surveillance Radar System (LSRS) attached to the bottom of it's fuselage. The aircraft itself has no serial or identifying markings other than the US Navy logo.


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Ken Mitchell
Those "tactical" call signs - two letters, three numerals - are assigned randomly on on a per-flight basis. This aircraft had a different call sign yesterday, and will have a different one tomorrow. They are designed to provide NO information about the type of aircraft or the mission.
This is not the P-3C BMUP+ LSRS that you are looking for.


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