A82 | Use 122.95 for service from FBO |
A81-APT | When air traffic control tower closed, activate MALSR runway 04; PAPI runway 04, 10, 22 and 28; HIRL runway 04/22; MIRL runway 10/28 - CTAF. |
A58-28 | Runway 28 +10 ft road, 150 ft - 200 ft from runway, 220 ft right. |
A58-22 | Runway 22 +22FT rising terrain, 500 ft right, 0 - 200 ft from runway. |
A57-10 | Runway 10 clearance slope 14:1 to dthr due to 87 ft tree, 1223 ft from dthr, 190 ft right. |
A110-8 | Military: caution: bash phase II period (15 MAR-15 may) and (1 JUL-15 nov) . Bird watch cond (bwc) svr: tkoff, landing and tower training proh unless msn estnl; bwc mdt: mult approach proh, departure and FULL-STOP allowed if rte avoids bird act; contact ANG airfield operations (CALL-SIGN "SKIER OPS") for current bwc. |
A110-7 | Military: ANG: prior permission required base operations during duty hr DSN 344-2621, C518-344-2621; ot command post DSN 344-2420, C518-344-2420. |
A110-6 | Military C130 pattern operations conducted daily. |
A110-5 | Birds on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-4 | Noise abatement proc in effect for lrge aircraft remaining in pattern contact airfield manager for details.. |
A110-3 | 60 ft dropoff 150 ft from runway 28 end. |
A110-2 | No updated field or braking action reports available between 0330Z-1230Z. |
A110-16 | Military: cstms/agg/img: 1300-2100Z++ monday - friday, fone prior 2000Z++ preceding weekday, C518-431-0200, C800-973-2867. |
A110-15 | Military: ANG: operational 1030-2000Z++ monday - friday, closed wknd and fed holiday. schenectady county airport fone nr (518) 399-0377. Comsec storage available for transient crews. |
A110-14 | For clearance contact albany approach at 518-862-2299. |
A110-13 | Fuel: A++ (military) . |
A110-12 | Flight notification service (ADCUS) available. |
A110-11 | No ULTRA-LIGHT operatons in class D airspace without approv from air traffic control tower. |
A110-10 | Military: ANG apron: orange dashed wingtip clearance lines both sides of yellow center taxiline. dashed wingtip lines provide positive, clearly identifiable obst clearance for taxiing aircraft. Any object parked on back side of lines provide no wingtip clearance issue. |
A110-1 | Landing fee for intinrnt multi-engine aircraft requesting tower service 0330Z-1230Z. |